Collaborator: Mark Ehrhardt
Web sites with animations, panoramic images, sound, and virtual reality can provide a strong sense of place, richer than text and photographs and more interactive than cinema. Constructing these sites demands a great deal of visual and textual information, which must be organized, integrated, and coded for delivery. Existing authoring packages are general-purpose, not specifically for architectural applications, and require technical sophistication. In our process for building Place Based Web Resources (PBWRs), after assembling photographic, drawing, text, and audio resources, the author follows a straightforward series of steps. The Hagia Sophia Web Resource resulted from this process; it includes panoramic pictures, photographs and interpretive text about the building and a VRML model.
Place Based Web Resources for Historic Buildings, M. A. Ehrhardt and M.D. Gross, Proc. Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2000, Weimar, Germany, pp. 177-179. [pdf]