Collaborators: Yeonjoo Oh, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Suguru Ishizaki
The Furniture Design Critic proposes a computational model of design critiquing. A critiquing comment has two dimensions: (1) delivery types (interpretation, introduction/ reminder, example, demonstration, and evaluation) and (2) communication modalities (written comments, graphical annotations, and images). The Furniture Design Critic system selects particular methods by considering specific conditions such as the user’s knowledge level and the interaction history between the user and the system.
2013 A theoretical framework of design critiquing in architecture studios, Oh, Y, Ishizaki, S, Gross, MD and Do, E-Y. Design Studies 34(3): 302-325
2010 A Constraint-Based Furniture Design Critic, Yeonjoo Oh, Mark D Gross, Suguru Ishizaki, Ellen YiLuen Do, Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning 5(2):97-122
2009 Delivery types and communication modalities in the furniture factory design critiquing system, Oh Y, Do, EY-L, Gross, MD, Ishizaki, S, Proc. Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures (CAAD Futures), Montreal, June 17-19. [pdf]
In Beyond Computer-Aided Design: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, 161-167. CAADRIA. Chiang Mai, Thailand: The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, 2008.