Digital Design Studio – themes & variations, rules & flexibility, structure & inhabitation

University of Washington, Spring 2004

This studio will explore the possibilities of working within a system (“architectural language”) of built components at several levels from permanent, organizing elements (bearing walls, columns) to lighter infill elements (partition, screen, etc.) to make space for a complex program of inhabitations and uses that, inevitably, will change over time. The elements and rules for configuring the system, drawn from a variety of sources —from traditional (e.g. English barns; Japanese wood construction) to contemporary building—allow for a range of sizes and arrangements of public, semi-private, and public space, which in turn can accommodate a variety of specific uses, and adapt to particular site conditions. Beginning with a few “definitional” elements and simple rules (a ‘theme’), each design will articulate a universe of variations that demonstration the flexibility that is inherent in the system.