Revolutions in desktop manufacturing and embedded computing are changing the way we make things. These changes will enable citizens to engineer and manufacture their own goods. The role of the designer is also changing, deciding on the manufacture of specific artifacts, to setting the bounds and rules for decisions that end-users make. Materials are changing tool: Programmable matter made of ensembles of modular robots demands new and dynamic ways of describing designs. A science of design is an essential element for benefiting from these revolutions, and it is likely that a science of design will be expressed computationally.
2009 Now More Than Ever: computational thinking and a science of design, Gross M.D., JSSD: Journal of the Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol 16-2 No 62 [pdf]
1986 Design as Exploring Constraints, Gross, M.D., Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [pdf]
1984 A Computer Model for Design, Gross, M.D., Design Studies 3(5):142-145.
1984 Design as the Exploration of Constraints, Gross, M. and A. Fleisher, Design Studies 3(5),137-138.