Collaborators: Gabe Johnson, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Jason Hong
2012 Sketch It, Make It (SIMI) is a modeling tool that enables non-experts to design items for fabrication with laser cutters. SIMI recognizes rough, freehand input as a user iteratively edits a structured vector drawing. The tool combines the strengths of sketch-based interaction with the power of constraint-based modeling. Several interaction techniques combine to present a coherent system that makes it easier to make precise designs for laser cutters.
2006 Flow selection is a time-based, modeless selection and operation technique for freehand drawing and sketch tools. We offer flow selection as a modeless technique to address the observation that modal selection requires too much cognitive effort and causes breakdowns in creative flow. Flow selection provides input to a new class of operations by assigning increasing, fractional selection strengths to objects over time. We discuss the current prototype system and possible applications for this novel sketch technique.
2012 Sketch it, make it: sketching precise drawings for laser cutting, Johnson, GG, Gross MD, Do, E Y-L, and Hong, J. Proceedings, CHI EA ’12 CHI ’12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1079-1082
2009 Computational Support for Sketching in Design: A Review, Johnson, G., Gross, M.D., Hong, J. and Do, E. Y-L. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 2(1): 1-93 [pdf]
2006 Flow Select: A Time-Based Selection and Operation Technique for Sketching Tools, Gabe Johnson, Mark D Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, International Conference of Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2006) Venice, Italy, May 23-26, 2006 [pdf]