Collaborator: Ellen Yi-Luen Do
1995 Drawing Analogies (ACADIA): In creative and conceptual designing, architects often look to books, magazines, and other collections of images to find forms they can adopt and adapt in designs. On line visual collections are becoming available but typically they are indexed only with descriptive key words. We argue that in addition to key word indexing, which supports retrieval of images based on design concepts or issues, a more directly visual, graphical reminding scheme based on sketches can help designers recall interesting references from various domains. We describe Drawing Analogies, a shape based reminding program that uses hand drawn sketches to index and query visual databases.
1995 Shape Based Reminding: This paper describes “Drawing Analogies, a shape based reminding program that uses freehand sketches to index and retrieve visual references for creative designing. Architects often employ reference images from books, magazines, and other visual collections to find forms they can adopt and adapt into their designs. We give examples of how designers use drawing and analogies and describe our approach to finding similar drawings. We argue that a graphical reminding scheme based on sketching can help designers find interesting references from various domains.
1995 Diagram Query and Image Retrieval in Design, Gross, M. and E. Do, Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Image Processing, Crystal City, Virginia, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995 [pdf]
1995 Indexing visual databases in architecture with diagrams, Gross, M.D., in A. Koutamanis, H. Timmermans and I. Vermeulen, eds., Visual Databases, Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 1-14.
1995 Drawing Analogies – Supporting Creative Architectural Design with Visual References, Gross, M.D. and E. Do, in 3d International Conference on Computational Models of Creative Design, M-L Maher and J. Gero, eds., Sydney: University of Sydney, pp. 37-58. [pdf]
1995 Drawing Analogies: Finding visual references by sketching, Do, E. and M.D. Gross, Proc. Association Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 1995 National Conf., Seattle, pp. 35-52. [pdf]
1995 Shape Based Reminding as an aid to Creative Design, Do, E. and M.D. Gross, Global Design Studio Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures ‘95, M. Tan and R. Teh, eds., National University of Singapore: Singapore, pp. 79-89. [pdf]